Tiny Masterclasses: Open Call to Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen's students!
Our Children's Writing Fellow, Kelly McCaughrain, and Fighting Words NI are making tiny masterclasses to help schools and homeschoolers incorporate creative writing into lessons, and help the next generation of young writers find their words.

An invitation to students from the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen's to record a short (up to 5 minutes) video to inspire young writers. Aimed at Primary OR Secondary age students, you can cover prose, poetry, script, non-fiction, or any other kind of writing. Your masterclass can cover any advice or exercises you'd like to share with young writers, for example:
- Top writing tip(s)
- A writing prompt or exercise you’ve found helpful
- Focus on a particular area of writing craft - creating characters, writing dialogue, the use of place...
- An explanation of a particular concept in writing - what is plot/inciting incident/POV/character arc/poetic forms...
- Troubleshooting - how to deal with writers block, where to get ideas...
- Try to include some practical exercise that students can take away and try themsleves
Videos will be shared via the Fighting Words website and social media, the SHC website, and Kelly McCaughrain's website for creative writing groups in schools.
"Teachers find it increasingly difficult to squeeze creativity into their packed curriculums and really appreciate help to introduce the arts to their students so I know these videos will be welcomed by schools and homeschooling parents. They’ll also be hugely beneficial to young writers who might welcome a creative outlet in these stressful times and who perhaps have very little or no support for their writing. It’s also a great way for you to hone your workshop-leading skills! "
- Kelly McCaughrain, Children's Writing Fellow NI
NB: Please film in ‘landscape’, avoid backlit settings, place your phone at eye level, and save as MP4 files.
Submit to: shc@qub.ac.uk