Writing Groups
There are many ways to get involved with writing at Queen's, whether you are currently enrolled as a student or not. Outside of the taught programmes, we host student-led groups, and weekly workshops led by staff.
Download A Guide to Workshops for further information, our code of conduct for workshop participants and reading tips for writers.
The Wednesday Poetry Workshop
Begun by our founding director Ciaran Carson, the Wednesday Poetry Workshop continues to meet online, Wednesdays during term 5.30-7.30pm. To join, contact shc@qub.ac.uk
The Wednesday Group is a poetry workshop group, started by our founding director Ciaran Carson. Since Ciaran's death in 2019, they have continued to meet, beginning the session with one of his poems, before sharing their own work.
The Group has recently begun meeting online in weekly Zoom calls with some guest tutors dropping in during the course of the year. The group is keen to welcome new members to join in their weekly discussions. Please submit your poem by 5pm on Tuesday to shc@qub.ac.uk to be added to the discussion list for Wednesday.